All Natural Flea and Tick Repellents for Dogs

By Marty Grosjean
Dog Repellents

Fleas and ticks can be a scourge on your pet and your home if you don't take preventive steps to keep these harmful parasites at bay.

Dogs can become infested with fleas in very little time, as your furry best friend poses an attractive place to live, breed, and eat. One flea can turn into hundreds before you know it and they will continue to lay eggs and cause more fleas to become a nuisance if not treated in a timely manner.

Ticks are another threat to the health and comfort of your dog, posing a significant risk to the well-being of your pet and the rest of your family as these pests can transmit a variety of diseases.

Prevention is the best plan of attack for protecting your dog from the following health risks:

  • Rashes and skin irritation
  • Skin infection
  • Diseases
  • Constant discomfort in the form of itching and hives
  • Injury from scratching
  • Scabs from open wounds in the skin 

Flea and Tick Prevention

Dog owners can find a variety of products designed to repel fleas and ticks from infesting their pet's hair and skin and products intended to kill pests that are already feeding on their pet. Whether the product comes in pill form to be ingested internally, a collar that is worn around the neck, or topical applications absorbed into the bloodstream, flea and tick prevention products are formulated to be fast-acting and effective.

Flea and Tick

Toxic Active Ingredients

Unfortunately, the most common flea and tick repellents on the market are manufactured using harsh chemical pesticides to eliminate unwanted parasites from your pet's skin. These toxic active ingredients are very strong and approved for use only on dogs or cats. They are not typically approved for use by humans simply due to the fact that these chemicals are too strong and poisonous, resulting in significant potential threats to health and safety.

But they have been approved for use by dogs which can make responsible pet owners feel uneasy - and with good reason. Recent studies have shown that many of the popular pesticide-based flea and tick prevention products on the market today can lead to multiple health issues. As more cases were reported, the Environmental Protection Agency launched an investigation into the causes and severity of symptoms that dogs and cats alike have been suffering from pesticide-based flea and tick repellents.

Furthermore, since these harsh pesticide prevention products were never approved for safe use by humans, introducing them into the home where you and your family live, eat, and play is an increased risk to your loved ones' health and safety.

Fortunately, there are effective natural alternatives available to keep your dog comfortable and pest-free and protect the health and wellness of family and friends.

Natural Alternatives for Pest Prevention: How They Work

In the case of most natural pest control alternatives you can buy today, fleas and ticks are driven away using the strong aroma of some form of essential oil blend that can be found in an atomizer spray, a traditional collar, or a topical substance. The efficacy of these products may vary based on a number of determining factors like how often or how long your dog spends time outside, the type and prevalence of pests in and around the home and surrounding areas, and the health of your dog.

By comparison, the efficacy and strength of natural flea and tick repellents can be less potent than the harsh pesticide-based repellent products that we have been conditioned to use. The natural products may require longer use and repeated applications to achieve the desired results.

But all-natural prevention is worth the time and effort to preserve your pet's health and quality of life from the risks that can come with using products made with toxic ingredients for eliminating flea and ticks.

The BioPower Pet Shield

Dog owners who are uncomfortable exposing their pet to toxic chemicals but want to keep fleas and ticks at bay can turn to the BioPower Pet Shield as an effective alternative for repelling and eliminating parasites and pests.

The Pet Shield is a tag worn on the collar made from stainless steel that has been infused with our proprietary bioresonance technology, highly effective at repelling fleas and ticks using an exclusive collection of energy frequencies that act as a harmless, non-toxic repellent.

This infused energy is ideal for protecting your dog from fleas and ticks without the need for stringent chemicals or compounds.

Pet Shield

Benefits of the BioPower Pet Shield

This natural alternative works and offers a multitude of benefits:

100% Natural

The tag emits natural energetic frequencies that fleas, ticks, and mosquitos seek to avoid but which won't harm your pet. The tag does not require any toxic materials to provide your dog with the protection needed to prevent flea and tick infestations.

Round the Clock Protection

The Pet Shield is worn around the neck and emits an invisible barrier of protection 24/7. No need for applying liquids or topicals to your dog and the tag doesn't require batteries to operate. The bioresonance energies have been infused into the tag itself.

On our website you can find more information about the BioPower Pet Shield natural flea and tick repellent, as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

Replace Once a Year

One tag is good for 12 months of complete protection from fleas and ticks.

Additional Protection

Depending on the type of pests and the concentration of these nuisances found in the areas near your home, the BioPower Pet Shield may work best when combined with another natural pet repellent.

For those situations, we offer the BioPower Flea and Tick Spray which can be used as an additional layer of protection to complement the Pet Shield when necessary.

Simply spray it on your dog before going outside and the bioresonance energy will drive pests away from your pet and keep them away. A faint aroma of Citronella offers a secondary layer of repellent, as most insects and parasites can't tolerate the scent.