How to Integrate Natural Fly Repellents into Your Horse's Care Routine

By Marty Grosjean
Horse Care

Horse owners know that stable flies, horse flies, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, all of the most potentially harmful biting insects that can bother horses are year-round nuisances capable of disease transmission, but they are particularly difficult to manage and control during peak fly season in the spring and summer months.

That's the time of year when finding an effective fly control plan is especially important as these persistent pests can leave your horse feeling itchy without much opportunity for respite, and the result can be a variety of skin problems including welts, rashes, and bloody spots. There’s also the increased risk of disease and even injury as your poor horse bucks, stomps, and kicks out of frustration when tail swishing has done little to force these fly predators into retreat.

However, controlling fly populations has left most horse owners with little choice but to rely on repellents that contain harsh and potentially harmful poisons in their active ingredient makeup - and chemical insecticides have plenty of drawbacks for you, your horse, and the environment. This is why more horse owners have started to embrace repellent products that use all natural ingredients to repel insects and keep their horses safe and free from the scourge of biting flies.

House flies and stable flies pose a significant threat to your horse's health and well being, but when the remedy can be just as potentially harmful as the cause, it's time to consider a realistic natural alternative.

Fortunately, BioPower Pet offers a product that brings effective control to prevent flies and keep them away from your horse and stable. But what is the best way to integrate natural methods for fly control and how do you know if the product is actually working?

Reducing the Attraction for Stable Flies

Flies land on your horse. It's going to happen. But when you can reduce the amount of enticements that draw flies to the stable, you're one step ahead in the fight for controlling flies and keeping them off your horse for the long-term.

The two most common reasons why pest flies are attracted to stables and the horses residing in them are waste and moisture. A dirty stable is a breeding ground for different flies of all kinds, so it’s absolutely imperative that manure and old hay are removed regularly and replaced with clean bedding. Manure management is an essential way to reduce fly populations from growing in and around your stable. A manure pile can be teeming with fly larvae and when those fly eggs hatch, your stable will be full of flies that get into your horse's eyes and coat.

Flies, mosquitoes, and all kinds of biting insects are also attracted to areas with heavy moisture, so it’s crucial that you reduce moisture and humidity in the stalls which will keep flies from choosing your stable as their breeding ground. That includes identifying and eliminating areas with standing water. Drainage is important for proper fly control. Insects like to lay eggs in these wet places and peak populations occurring in your stall is the last thing you want for your horse.

The Natural Approach to Fly Control

Whether you're making homemade natural fly sprays or you've chosen to use a sweat resistant fly spray product on your horse, natural remedies are much safer as effective fly control alternatives. But not all products are made equal and the difference in these products becomes apparent as fly season begins and your horse is not properly protected.

Homemade options often require the use of strong essential oils and other pungent ingredients that can repel your horse almost as much as the horse flies that are making his or her life difficult. The odor from a DIY product, not to mention the greasy residue that is left behind can have your horse feeling even more uncomfortable than without the repellent.

Fly gear in the form of fly masks, fly boots, and fly sheets, can also be uncomfortable for your horse to wear for long periods of time as peak fly season is often when the weather outside is hot and adding extra layers to your horse can cause more discomfort.

Fly traps are another option but these also may contain toxic ingredients and who wants to deal with the disgusting task of removing and discarding sticky traps covered in dead flies and mosquitoes? Gross.

The Bio Power Horse Solution

The risk factors associated with fly populations are too great to have the wrong repellent protecting your horse. Removing your horse's manure on a regular basis and reducing areas of moisture are both important components of an effective fly control plan. But when you have the power of bioresonance technology on your side, you can effectively control flies and other insects like deer flies, ticks, and mosquitoes, keeping pests away from your horse’s stall for one full year of total fly control.

The BioPower Horse Shield Tag and Horse Stall Tag are sturdy carbon tags that repel flies, ticks, and mosquitoes all day, all night, for an entire year. This is not biological control but instead, bioenergetic frequencies that are emitted from the Tag, creating an energetic field that impacts the nervous systems of these insects, driving them away from your horse and stall.

These bioenergetic frequencies are all-natural and non-toxic. The products are made from carbon which has been energetically enhanced with our proprietary charging process, infusing the product with bioresonance energy, which has been used in a variety of holistic healthcare treatments for decades and is widely considered reliable and safe.

How to Use These Products

Simply hang the Stall Tag from any easily accessible point in your horse’s stall. The Horse Tag can be attached directly to your horse’s halter and both products emit bio-energetic frequencies that are entirely safe for horses and horse owners. These are not electronic devices, so there’s no need to recharge or install batteries. The energy within the carbon has been embedded into the product and works for one whole year.

When the Tag is present, stable flies are naturally repelled by the bio-energetic frequencies that are emanating from it. There is an initial three to four week activation period before the Tag's frequencies reach full efficacy. But after that time, you should expect to see a dramatic decrease in the number of horn flies, house flies, stable flies, you name it.

Fly Control You Can Count On

Avoid the harsh pesticides and toxic insecticides and go all-natural with Bio Power Horse Shield Products. The non-toxic, trusted, and safe alternative to reduce fly populations from bothering your horse and putting his or her health at risk. Try our Bio Power Horse Shield products today and prepare your horse and yourself for a healthier, safer fly season.